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Thresholds for Children's Social Care

Thresholds for Children's Social Care

Each LSCP has produced a document setting out the Thresholds for Children’s Social Care intervention. The term ‘threshold’ refers to the point at which the local authority’s Children’s Social Care are likely to accept a referral for a child, young person or their family.

The document is aimed at all professionals working with children and families and, in situations where a professional may have a concern about a child, provides guidance about how thresholds affect the type of referrals accepted in Children’s Social Care, and the main categories that referrals fall into.

It also supports the local authority’s Children’s Social Care in describing how thresholds are applied to the referrals they receive, which will determine how they are likely to respond.

Each LSCP area has its own local Threshold for Children’s Social Care document, which can be accessed from their websites - please click below to access.

Click below to view Thresholds document for each LSCP:

Last Updated: June 17, 2024
